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NIMH MEG Core Facility
National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Welcome to the NIMH MEG Core Facility website. Here you can find information ranging from local operations of the lab, to general topics on the analysis of MEG data, including software available for download.

Latest News
- This MediaWiki has been updated to version 1.41, see Special:Version. If you encounter any problems please let us know.
- The Masking policy has changed:
Masking Required in All Patient Care Areas Effective Nov. 4
Effective Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, the NIH Clinical Center will resume masking in all patient care areas.
This means wearing a mask will be REQUIRED in all patient care areas, including waiting rooms. This change is due to an anticipated increase in COVID-19 and other respiratory virus activity in the community.
For patients who will be admitted to the inpatient unit (and their rooming in visitors), please note that testing for SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, Influenza B, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) will also be in effect. For rooming in visitors, testing for SARS-CoV-2 will be in effect.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will keep you informed of any future changes to our masking policy.
The MEG Core Facility is part of the NMR Center, which is designated as a patient care area and follows Clinical Center guidelines regarding masking. Refer to the NIH Clinical Center Masking Policy for further details.
Useful links:
- Suggested MEG screening form for subjects
- MEG Slack Workspace. Our customer support channel! Contact Anna Namyst to sign up.
- Request Staff Support for MEG Scans -- This form can be used to request staff support for scans, or to request MEG Lab Orientation or Brainsight training. If requesting an orientation/training, please provide general availability.
Coming Soon:
- MEG Basics for Clinical Staff - what you need to know when you provide coverage in the MEG Lab for your subject/patient during a MEG scan.