MEG analysis on Biowulf: Difference between revisions

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=== Final Step Load Your Module ===
module load ${MyModuleName}
[$USERd@$NODE python_modules]$ module load mne
[$USERd@$NODE python_modules]$ ipython
Python 3.9.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Feb 1 2022, 21:24:11)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.1.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: import mne
In [2]: mne.__path__
Out[2]: ['/data/ML_MEG/python_modules/mne0.24.1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mne']

Revision as of 12:29, 8 March 2022

!!Under Construction!!

Biowulf brief intro

Biowulf ( is the head node of the Biowulf cluster at NIH -
Helix - is the storage server attached to the biowulf cluster

Analysis of data should not be performed on the biowulf head node, but run through an sinteractive node or swarm process.
To start with, there are a limited number of commands loaded on the system. To access more programs use module load. To search, use module spider.

 e.g. module load afni

SAM MEG Data Analysis

 module load afni 
 module load ctf
 module load samsrcv3/20180713-c5e1042

MNE python data analysis

Making your own python module

Build the python conda environment

It is recommended to create an install script so that this can be sent to a slurm job

 # Load conda - if set up according to the HPC page, this should work
 source /data/${USER}/conda/etc/profile.d/; conda activate base
 # echo mamba create -p ${PATH_TO_OUTPUT} condaPackage1 condaPackage2 conda-forge::condaForgePackage1  -y  >
 # Make sure to include the -y or the job will hang waiting for user response
 # Also make sure you have an active conda prompt when submitting the swarm, or else it will fail
 echo mamba create -p /data/ML_MEG/python_modules/mne0.24.1 jupyter ipython conda-forge::mne -y  >
 swarm -f ./ -g 4 -t 4

Make a module file

To display most of the contents of a module file run

 module display python  #For the python module



Copy Template to your module folder

 #MyModule is the family name of the code / ${Version}.lua
 cp /usr/local/lmod/modulefiles/python/3.8.lua  ${myModuleFilesDir}/${MyModule}/0.1.lua

Add module files to the search path

 module use --append ${PathToUserModuleFiles}

Final Step Load Your Module

 module load ${MyModuleName}
 [$USERd@$NODE python_modules]$ module load mne
 [$USERd@$NODE python_modules]$ ipython
 Python 3.9.10 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Feb  1 2022, 21:24:11) 
 Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
 IPython 8.1.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
 In [1]: import mne
 In [2]: mne.__path__
 Out[2]: ['/data/ML_MEG/python_modules/mne0.24.1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mne']