Troubleshooting: Analysis Topics
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Freesurfer - BEM creation
- BOTH FreeSurfer recon-all -autorecon1 and mne.make_watershed_bem independently call mri_watershed to produce a skull-stripped image from which the inner and outer skull surfaces are created.
- The use of -gcaatlas ensures that the bem will pick up the cerebellum, and doesn't clip out other portions of the brain.
- In some cases, -gcaatlas worsens a bem that was already bad but not catastrophic. (i.e. it included some curlicues but didn't crop out any of the brain). This is usually the result of a bad skullstrip, and can be fixed by lowering the default preflood height from 30 to 15, 10, or even 5.
- In very rare cases, -gcaatlas results in a worse skullstrip. (*Observed in subject with Dx.)
Recommended course of action is to use -gcaatlas, but check all bems and change preflood height as necessary.
The use of -gcaatlas does actually improve matters for many subjects, eliminating cropping off of brain structures. Occasionally, using -gcaatlas results in failure, this again is usually a sign that the bem was already weird even without -gcaatlas
For ENIGMA, recommended course of action: * Keep -gcaatlas implementation * Manually run several participants with bem failures and adjust preflood height on mri_watershed/make_watershed_bem * Inspect output errors for any remaining "no vertices" errors that are potentially due to a bad skullstrip