Configuring Epilepsy Analysis
After installing and configuring the analysis machine:
Configuration Files
default.dip : used as input to the dipoleFit and dfit programs as the default starting options for dipole fit processing.cfg : used to preprocess the data for viewing channelset.cfg : Montage Creation (ordering channels is done through virtual channels) : Virtual Channel Creation
Configuring Data Editor Layout
Configurations are stored in the ChannelSet.cfg file. Current Montages Include:
- MEG_LCR_22
- EEG_
Creating a View Montage
The data editor layout orders the channels by acquisition order and may not be preferred
To create ordered channels, a virtual channel dataset will need to be created
DataEditor >> Edit >> Virtual Channels Select a virtual channel and add to Plus Box >> Name the new channel (it must be different from acquisition names - choose lowercase or uppercase as a workaround) Save the virtual channel .vg file to $HOME/.meg/resources/
Head Model
Preferred Method - Multisphere model from inner skull approximation
orthohull #Realigns the MRI to match the MEG subject head space (origin is midpoint between LPA/RPA and other axis runs through the nasion) #Also creates an inner skull approximation using the inflated/smoothed brain surface localSperes -d $Dataset -s multisphere.shape
Manual Method - Single Shell based on scalp
MRIConvert >> imports mri into ctf format MRIViewer -mri CTF.mri >> creates headshape and headmodel >> save to default.hdm Dipolefit -hdm default.hdm
Dipole Fit
Set the time, epoch, and duration of dipole fit Possibly better to set latencies for fits and run through the commandline dipole fit
Processing Pipeline
check tags >> cat anat+ortho.HEAD | grep TAGSET_LABELS 3dtagalign << << creates an average head position changeHeadPos << rewrites the head position