Analysis AWS
For Workshop members without access to computing resources - Preconfigured Amazon Web Services servers can be used
Accessing compute resources on AWS:
Speak with Jeff Stout to get the current IP address and PEM key
${PATH} is the path to the PEM key provided to you
ssh -X -i ${PATH}/AWS.pem ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS_PROVIDED
Jupyter Notebook Over a Remote Connection
1) Run one terminal to start the notebook:
ssh -Y $USER@$REMOTE_HOST cd $FOLDER_WITH_CODE #If necessary: conda activate $CONDA_ENV jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8887
2) Run another terminal to forward the port to your local machine
(Replace User and Remote_Host with the appropriate username and ip-address)
ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:8887 $USER@$REMOTE_HOST
3) In Firefox/Chrome/Etc - Log into localhost:8888
This will prompt you for a token
4) In the password/token column, copy the token created in the first terminal
(It should look like the below - only copy the portion after the token= )
Installed software
Human Neocortical Neurosolver
hnn #hnn is installed in the system level python >> may need to conda deactivate first
MNE python, Eelbrain, PyCTF
conda activate workshop (This environment has MNE, Eelbrain, and PyCtf installed)
CTF software
singularity shell /opt/ctf/ctf.img $ctf_command
singularity exec /opt/ctf/ctf.img $ctf_command
SAM version 5
sam_cov ... sam_3d ...
afni -dset $MRI_file
- Server Config
- google > fedora aws > select the AMI number for N.Virginia
- In AWS > launch instance > search for AMI number > (Under community) > Launch
- Determine an image (search for fedora in community)
- Create a keypair and download the key
- The download will be in the form of a .pem file
- We will need to distribute this key to the users
- Launch the instance
- Log into the instance using ssh
- Freesurfer
- MNE python
- pyctf
Done # SAM v5
- Afni ###INSTALL ME neurodebian
- singularity ? >> CTF (need to use workstation version of fedora) << may need to compile for ubuntu or use 2.6
- Eelbrain (conda forge)
- Jupyter
Done# Forward sim HNN software
- FSL ###Install outside of neurodebian
- Brainstorm (compiled)
Matlab Based
- Brainstorm
- Fieldtrip